>> Sunday, November 29, 2009 port 80 for fated port 80 for Naru

sell for 50 profit 50

buy for 50 then sell for 60 profit 10

buy for 60 then sell for 70 profit 10

Steady gain

main acct
sell for 50 profit +50
=total net income +50 = 50 with rep

dummy acct
buy for 50 sell for 49 profit -1
=total net income -1 = 49 w/o rep

main acct
buy for 49 sell for 50 profit +1
=total net income +1 = 51

dummy acct
buy for 50 sell for 52 profit +2
=total net icome +0 = 49

main acct
buy for 51 sell for 50 profit -1
=total net income -1 = 50

dummy acct
buy for 50 sell for 49 profit -1
=total net income -1

main acct
buy for 49 sell for 50 profit +1

dummy acct
buy for 50 sell for 51 profit +1

rinse and repeat

buy for 50 then sell for 50 nullify

buy for 50 then sell for 51

buy for 51 then sell for 51